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Audiophile Anniversary Experience 2021

4 Comments Anniversary Experience

2021 was a year of Drifting to the rhythm on all small and medium events, on 13th of November we rendered our own experience to our clients at Avocado bay for a day and night experience.

An infusion of fun, games, lakeside activities and top notch music graced the day in style. Audiophile concepts extended its uncanny quality experience through every nitty gritty of the advertised itinerary .

Mixes by Dj lone walker , Dj Crysto and Dj Cross256 kept the revelers on their feet as Uncle Walter’s mc of the day kept them all smiles .

The quality of sound and thump from audiophile concepts’ Bose F1 systems launched on this day did not go unnoticed as it kept every one on the dance floor till morning.

This was one day that left many asking for more of Audiophile concepts’ experiences .


  1. Audiophile concepts , did my event in August, The sound quality unquestionably the cleanest I have seen on a function .
    so their own organised experience is a must attend for me.
    13th November date marked.

  2. Memories of this day keep getting back to me, Audiophile concepts needs to organise something for us sooner than later .
    meanwhile Dj cross is a star

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